This is ChitAmbara
A space where creativity arrives, art thrives, and ideas flourish. We welcome you as we embark on an age-long journey hoping to encounter something new.
ChitAmbara considers itself an incubator and accelerator for the arts, providing a space to co-design concepts to completion.
The core focus is to bring a diverse range of artists, artistic practices and cultural thought together - both locally and internationally with the overarching aim to engage and explore our common purpose through connecting people and the land.
People of ChitAmbara
Monish Paul
Board Member | Chair
Sukhi Shetty
Board Member
Siva Krishnan
Board Member
Kamal Thurairajah
Board Member | Creative
Sharmila Kumar
Board Member | Treasurer
Vicknesh Vedam
Board Member | Experience
Hemavathi Sivanesan
Operations Manager
We have worked with
Follow this shared journey