
Upcoming Experiences

This Navaratri, join us at The Art Sanctuary as we looks to ancient wisdom to guide our future. Presented by ChitAmbara as an encounters through art event and led by Noongar Elder Uncle Noel Nannup, this event will explore how ancient traditions can inspire us to restore balance with the Earth.

5 October at the Art Sanctuary. See the below for more information:

ChitAmbara Spaces

Echoes From a Forgotten Land

ChitAmbara is on a mission to forge connection with the people of the historical supercontinent, Gondwanaland. This program seeks to simultaneously unravel the mysteries of the past while embracing the boundless possibilities of the future.

Encounters Through Art

Inquire, create and renew Ancestral histories, traditions and worldviews that are embedded in countless creative expressions that have emerged from the vast soils of Gondwanaland…

Poornima On Bhoodja

What does the Land mean to you?

Curate with ChitAmbara

Co-create an experience for your special event

And a Space for everything else…




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