Poornima On Bhoodja
“We are very happy that once again after Gondwanaland, we now meet again here ... And we are happy that you have come and that you bring such wonderful, beautiful culture back to us that we have been holding for you to come meet us in this Gondwanaland”
What does the Land mean to you?
Poornima On Bhoodja 2023
November 2023 | Yarragin Rock, Australia
Thank you everyone for making my first camping adventure a wonderful experience that I will remember always. My humble prostrations and gratitude to respected elder Uncle Noel and Greg who in just a day showed and taught us so much about country. I came on this trip to spend some time with my 2 adult kids. But it turned out that I needed this for me. To leave everything behind and feel calm and unhurried.
I experienced something at Yorkrakine Rock that I just want to share. Only us ladies were allowed to venture to the rock and touch it. Without fail, we broke into a short prayer and we placed our hands on the rock while reciting. As we left I very clearly heard a loud drumming sound that lasted a few seconds. I checked with Mallika Akka and she didn’t hear anything. Later, I mentioned this to Uncle Noel and he said just felt blessed to have that experience. I had no idea we had such a significant spiritual rock here in WA. Not to mention its beauty and size too. I’ll definitely be going back to Yorkrakine Rock, when it's ‘cooler’ to climb to the top and just sit there and feel the energy.
What a beautiful evening we had with Uncle Noel performing the smoking ceremony followed by our prayers. It was lovely to sit with Uncle Noel and Greg and hear their stories about country, mystical bush folk and the benefits of bush plants. So much to learn. It was just perfect.
The next morning sitting on top of Yarragin Rock and once again broke into prayer and felt a beautiful energy around. We have so many spiritual places right here in WA: Pelican Point, Swan River, the Arts Sanctuary, Yorkrakine Rock and many more we will discover and experience together. How lucky are we to be ‘HERE’.
Thank you Uncle Noel, Greg, Kamal and Co for this spiritual adventure into country. Looking forward to discovering and experiencing more together in the ‘Cooler Months!’. 🙏🏼🌈💖
Rathi Kandiah | Poornima On Bhoodja Participant | November 2023