Support Raagas, Shakespeare and Everything in Between
ChitAmbara, the intrepid cultural voyager, is on a mission to rediscover the ancient culture and art forms of India, Australia, and its surrounding regions. Our latest work, Raagas, Shakespeare, and Everything in Between, marks our first-ever exploration at The Blue Room Theatre. We’re thrilled to inaugurate this partnership with The Blue Room Theatre and aspire to continue it for many more years to come. But to achieve this, we need your support.
If your heart so desires, please consider making a donation using the link below. Your contribution will enable the success of Raagas, Shakespeare & Everything in Between and allow us to sow the seeds for even more exciting endeavours at The Blue Room Theatre. Together, we’ll bridge the gap between ancient traditions and contemporary expression.
Support this mission because together, we can create a space where creativity arrives…
All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible.
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